• Why Choose IPL?

    Why choose IPL for your skin concerns?

    • You want fast results
    • You want more dramatic results
    • You don’t want downtime
    • You want dramatic results in a shorter time frame 

    If you want to improve the appearance of your skin quickly, IPL is an excellent choice over other facial technologies, treatments, and products. 

    IPL has proven to treat signs of aging, rosacea, hyperpigmentation, and acne, along with acne scarring. 

    Before you get too excited, there are some caveats.  

    1. IPL works better if you have white to light brown skin. 
    2. It is also prohibited to anyone who’s recently been tanning or had any chemical peels or medical procedures, like Botox or collagen injections. 
    3. Sun exposure after IPL Facials and Treatments will make your skin more susceptible to sun damage, therefore it is highly recommended IPL is performed between the months of October to April, when sun exposure is lower. The exception to this rule is for IPL  Acne services.
    4. You must be prepared to be uncompromising and persistent in protecting your skin from the sun exposure. Some measures are applying sunscreen (SPF), wearing hats, using parasols, and avoiding sun exposure between 10am to 2pm daily.

    But don’t fret as Pure + Simple has other alternative treatments that are suitable for all of the above mentioned. See Blog 

    What is IPL?

    Its proper name is Intense Pulse Light. IPL is a light therapy that performs similarly to laser, but IPL delivers results through multiple wavelengths versus laser therapy’s single wavelength of light energy. 

    Pure + Simple uses Sharplight Technologies improved IPL performance with Dynamic Pulse Control (DPC). DPC offers three pulse configurations, and one system that gives its practitioners better control of treatment parameters, thereby giving optimal results to all types of skin.

    How does IPL Solve Your Skin Concerns?

    Skin Rejuvenation. 

    An IPL PHOTOFACIAL is an excellent option in reducing the appearance of aging skin, as in wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, redness, enlarged pores and scarring. Other benefits of a Photofacial treatment can be reduction in unwanted facial hair. IPL can be used on any part of the body so along with the face and neck, some clients have even asked for treatments on their hands and decollete.

    For skin rejuvenation, wavelengths of light travel to the dermis layer of the skin and through the healing process, stimulates the production of new collagen fibers, so the skin appears more youthful and healthier.

    Reduction of Blemishes. 

    IPL  ACNE uses blue light therapy to destroy the acne bacteria on the skin, and in the sebaceous glands. We then use yellow infrared light therapy to dry up the existing blemishes. 

    An excellent option is to design a customized course of treatments that include other acne reducing technologies like the Medical Grade LED Blue Light Treatment and a deep exfoliating AFA Gel and Clay Treatment. An EXTREME CLEAN DEEP PORE FACIAL is recommended if there is a need for extensive pore clearing before the acne reducing technology treatments start.

    Reduction of Redness, Rosacea and Pigmentation. 

    IPL ROSACEA is a safe and effective way to treat chronic redness, rosacea and hyperpigmentation quickly and effectively. The treatment plan for hyperpigmentation and chronic redness/Rosacea differs from the other, but the two skin conditions are related.  When skin is inflamed, skin turns red.  When skin redness (irritation and inflammation) is chronic over many years, or if skin is traumatized, skin can become pigmented.     

    How does IPL reduce hyper pigmentation in skin?  IPL uses light penetration to heat up and break up the excess melanin. The heat also stimulates collagen production, which will improve the appearance of your skin. It's reliant on you to maintain the benefit long term, by ensuring you protect your skin from the sun with consistent use of sun protection, and also to avoid irritating and inflaming your skin with a gentle and customized skincare routine.

    While hyperpigmentation and rosacea are related, the treatments are slightly different. IPL treatment for chronic skin redness or Rosacea targets and cauterizes dilated capillaries, so that new capillaries will be formed, thereby lessening the redness in skin. This allows for long-term results like lessening hyperpigmentation. Maintenance is key, and It is up to each client to prolong the results of the treatment by treating their skin properly on a regular basis.

    One treatment will improve a specific skin condition, but for great results and long term improvement, a course of treatments within a short time like 4-8 weeks is recommended.  

    The treatment program for each client varies in the number of treatments required for this condition. When using IPL to correct a skin issue, it’s common that results can be realized within 3 to 5 treatments performed 2 weeks apart.  

    Interested in IPL? Contact your favourite Pure + Simple location to book, or to complete a test patch to see if IPL is right for you.

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